While Apple, Olio and Opening Ceremony are already tinkering with premium materials in the smartwatch space, other wearable devices haven’t received just as much love. But Omate and French fashion house Emanuel Ungaro launched the Ungaro ring, a simple notification wearable that ranges from $500 to a whopping $2,000.虽然Apple、Olio以及Opening Ceremony公司争相早已在智能手表领域发售了使用高端材料生产的产品,其他穿着设备近没智能手表热门。但最近Omate公司和法国时尚品牌Emanuel Ungaro合力发售了一款Ungaro戒指,这款非常简单的警告类穿着设备价格由500美元到2000美元平均。为什么不会这么喜呢?Why the premium? For one, the Italy-made ring is plated with either 18K gold or silver, and there are five options for the gemstone: blue topaz, opalite, onyx, sapphire and ruby.首先,这款意大利生产的戒指镀有18K金或银,此外还有五种宝石可供买家自由选择,分别是蓝色托帕石、不显蛋白石、缟玛瑙、蓝宝石和红宝石。As for the smart part, this ring links to your phone -- iOS first, Android due Q1 2016 -- over Bluetooth LE, and will only vibrate when you receive a call or text message from your one and only selected contact. The tiny battery inside lasts up to five days.在“智能性”方面,这个戒指通过低功耗蓝牙与你的手机相连。
Admittedly, this isn’t the first vibrating ring on the market. The summer collection of the Ringly is now available for pre-order, going from a more affordable $195 to $260, but it also benefits from a multi-color LED to indicate which app is pinging you. The Ungaro ring’s approach, on the other hand, is intentionally simple: no LED, and vibrates for just one contact.诚然,这并不是市面上第一款振动戒指。智能珠宝制造商Ringly的夏季系列现在早已可以预约了,价格从较为亲民的195美元到260美元平均。这款戒指上的彩色LED还能警告你究竟是哪个应用于在收到振动。
再行来看这款Ungaro戒指,无意地走了近于珍风格,没LED,而且只有一位联系人才能让它振动。If you can stomach the premium prices for this perfume bottle-inspired ring, then keep an eye out for it at Richline Group’s retail partners this November.要是您能hold寄居这枚启发源于香水瓶的戒指某种程度高端的价格的话,今年11月份就请求多多注意Richline Group零售合作伙伴的动态吧。