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发布时间:2025-01-24 10:23:01 点击量:784
本文摘要:The US Department of Commerce (DOC) is expected to announce a lift on the export curbs imposed on ZTE later this week, two weeks after the ban was put into place, media reports said on Monday.涉及媒体上周一报导,美国商务部预计将于本周中止对中兴的出口禁令,而两周之前,美国宣告对中兴展开贸易制裁。

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) is expected to announce a lift on the export curbs imposed on ZTE later this week, two weeks after the ban was put into place, media reports said on Monday.涉及媒体上周一报导,美国商务部预计将于本周中止对中兴的出口禁令,而两周之前,美国宣告对中兴展开贸易制裁。Experts said the thaw in the situation is a result of joint efforts by ZTE and the Chinese government to pressure the US side, which could serve as an example for Chinese companies in future trade disputes in a foreign market.专家回应美国态度的上升源于中兴集团和中国政府对美国实行的压力,这件事也为以后中国企业处置国际贸易争端竖立了榜样。

The relief would be temporary in nature and would be maintained only if ZTE is abiding by its commitments to the US government, Reuters reported, citing a senior official at the DOC.美国商务部一名高级官员回应:“禁令的中止是临时性的。如果中兴遵从对美国政府的允诺,那么禁令将不会永久中止。

”On March 7, the DOC announced export restrictions against ZTE. Manufacturers outside the US would also be prohibited from selling products with a significant amount of US components to ZTE, according to the DOC. Under the ban, US suppliers will need to apply for an export license before shipping anything to ZTE, but the license applications generally would be denied, said the DOC.美国商务部于3月7日对中兴公布出口禁令。根据美国商务部的拒绝,美国以外的制造商也被禁令销售携有大量美国元器件的产品给中兴公司。美国商务部回应,在该禁令下,美国厂商向中兴获取设备或元件时必须申请人分开的出口许可证,不过许可证一般来说都会被拒绝接受的。

In a following statement, ZTE said that it was actively facilitating communications with the US department and may even appeal.在之后的声明中,中兴回应,他们将“大力”增进和美国商务部的交流,甚至可能会采行裁决。Experts said that government efforts have been crucial in settling the issue. Both the response of ZTE and the Chinese government after the export ban are timely and effective, Bai Ming, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the MOFCOM told the Global Times Monday.专家回应,解决问题此次贸易争端,政府充分发挥了十分关键的起到。

