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狼队万博ManBetX下载_厉害了! 我国首座深海渔场即将建成下水

发布时间:2024-11-07 10:23:01 点击量:216
本文摘要:Chinas first deep-sea fish farming facility, Shenlan 1, will be put into use later this month for salmon cultivation in the Yellow Sea, which will enable the country to achieve large-scale breeding of fish in the warm open seas. 我国首座深海渔业养殖装备“深蓝1号”将于本月晚些时候投入使用,在黄海养殖三文鱼,这将使我国构建在寒冷的广阔水域大规模养鱼。

Chinas first deep-sea fish farming facility, Shenlan 1, will be put into use later this month for salmon cultivation in the Yellow Sea, which will enable the country to achieve large-scale breeding of fish in the warm open seas. 我国首座深海渔业养殖装备“深蓝1号”将于本月晚些时候投入使用,在黄海养殖三文鱼,这将使我国构建在寒冷的广阔水域大规模养鱼。The submersible aquaculture facility can dive to a depth of 50 meters and is able to rise or descend according to ambient water temperature, said Chen Qing, head of Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Co, the facilitys maker. 该装备制造方武昌船舶重工集团有限公司总经理陈埥称之为,这种潜水水产养殖设施潜水深度平均50米,将可根据周围水温展开乘载。

Its the first such underwater aquaculture facility in the world, Chen said, adding that Shenlan 1 adopts some military submarine technology.陈埥回应:“这是世界上第一个该类型的水下水产养殖设施。”他补足称之为,“深蓝1号”使用了某些军事潜艇技术。

The cylindrical apparatus can raise about 300,000 salmon in one growth cycle, with the fish spending around a year in Shenlan 1, having a targeted production of 1,500 tons, said Wang Yu, chief designer of Shenlan 1. 深蓝1号总设计师王宇称,这种圆柱状装备在一个生长周期可养育三文鱼大约30万条,这些鱼在深蓝1号里养殖1年左右可实现目标产量1500吨。Wang said that when individual fish reach 5 kg, they will be ready for sale in the Chinese domestic market. From the end of this year until April next year is expected to be the harvest time.王宇回应,当一条鱼超过5公斤时,就可在我国市场上出售了,预计今年年底至明年4月将是收获期。Salmon is a high-value-added cold-water fish. If it is successful this time, we plan to buy more facilities to raise salmon and other fish with high economic value, including coalfish, to satisfy foodies in China, he said.他说:“三文鱼是一种高附加值的冷水鱼。


