2016年智能机销量排行出炉 华为、OPPO、vivo坐稳全球前五【万博全站ManBetX官网】
Annual shipments by Chinese smartphone manufacturers Huawei, OPPO and vivo rocketed all three companies into the worlds top 5 smartphone manufacturers last year, according to the latest data released by third-party market intelligence firm IDC.据第三方市场情报公司IDC日前发布的数据表明,去年中国智能手机制造商华为、OPPO以及vivo的年出货量大幅提高,使得三家企业都沦为了世界前5大智能手机制造商。Global smartphone shipments reached 1.47 billion units in 2016, up by 2.3 percent from last year, said IDC.据IDC回应,2016年全球智能手机的出货量超过了14.7亿台,同比去年下跌2.3%。
The data showed that Samsung took the top spot, followed by Apple in second place. Even so, the shipments of the two top tech giants declined respectively by 3 percent and 7 percent, demonstrating decreased global market shares.数据表明,三星依然占有榜首,其次是苹果。但是即便如此,这前两名的科技公司的出货量却分别上升了3%和7%,全球市场份额经常出现了下降。However, 2016 saw the rise of Chinese mobile phone-makers. Huawei shipments grew 30.2 percent year on year to 139.3 million units, and the company retained its No. 3 position globally.不过,中国的手机制造商却在2016年构建了兴起。
华为出货量同比快速增长了30.2%,超过了1.393亿台,再度分列在全球第三。In addition, the last quarter of 2016 marked the first time that Huawei achieved a double-digit global market share.此外,华为在2016年最后一季度第一次构建了2位数的全球市场占有率。The other two manufacturers, OPPO and vivo, both achieved growth of over 100 percent, shipping 99.4 million and 77.3 million units respectively in 2016.其他两家手机制造商OPPO和vivo的增长率都多达了100%,在2016年分别销售9940万台和7730万台。Statistics from another market research firm, Counterpoint, indicate that China shipped 465 million smartphones over the last year, accounting for nearly one-third of the global volume.据另一家市场研究公司Counterpoint的统计数据表明,中国去年智能手机总出货量超过了4.65亿台,占有全球总量的将近三分之一。
IDC believes that the rising disposable income of Chinese people has resulted in greater consumption, which contributed to the rapid growth of the domestic smartphone market.IDC指出,中国人农村居民收益的减少造成了消费的减少,从而推展了国内手机市场的快速增长。